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Don't just believe what you read on the internet (like right now), instead look for the evidence which you can find here... at Strength Framework.
Does the science back up the use of bands and chains in training? Do they deliver superior results?
Most of us want to get stronger and grow more muscle... Enter powerbuilding, the child born from combining powerlifting and bodybuilding.
Get rid of those little chicken legs in time for your shorts to come out for summer! Calves, get it? Thanks to our model in the thumbnail!
People often try to figure this out when starting a diet, be it leaning out, bulking or simply maintaining and trying to increase performance. Is it okay to consume? How much? How often? What alcoholic beverage would be best?
Plus! How much? When? And side effects.
"If you want width, train wide" an old school saying. However, does it hold any merit?
Does the theory of "shocking your muscles" work. While the idea might sound cool, in reality would it affect muscle growth and strength outcomes? Would some variation have a place in your program?
Could improving your intra-workout nutrition be the secret formula you've been needing?
Pre Workout is the new breakfast. Potentially the most important meal when it comes to performance in the gym. What does science tell us regarding what is optimal?
Does the 30 minute anabolic window exist? The science and evidence shines some light on this for us.
Bulking season is well underway, eating whatever you want is a sure fire way to add just as much fat as muscle. Science has some direction for us, suggesting the slower the better.
A brilliant recovery tool? Or overhyped? Turning to scientific data for answers.
Often an overlooked aspect when training for size and strength, improving your VO2 Max
The general consensus has always been that it is not possible, however new scientific studies have shown that it might be possible to target reduce belly fat.